First of all, you must understand that it is impossible in complex situations solve problems using scandals and a showdown in a raised voice. In this approach to conflict resolution should not expect that your spouse will be able to hear and understand. Going to cry, of course, you will be able to vent their resentment and dissatisfaction with the spouse. However, most likely, it will further alienate from you the woman.

Of course, to talk about what is not satisfied with the spouse in family relationships, in your behavior, you need. But not humiliated, don't ask her to stay with you, if her decision is final, after all, a woman should admire the man, love him, and to spare. If she stays with you only because of the fact that you will not be able to exist without it, such a relationship will not bring joy, satisfaction neither you nor her.

Try to remember how you started the relationship, what you were and what attracted the attention of his beloved. Most likely, you had a more slender, athletic figure. In this case, an urgent need to enroll in the gym and in the pool, or at least start Jogging in the mornings. Certainly, during your first meetings you did so with wit, intelligence, was an interesting conversationalist, went to theatres, movies and to dance, and not lay all the evening with the newspaper on the couch. Think of how you can please, amaze your spouse, invite her to a restaurant for a romantic dinner or buy a ticket to the concert of your favorite with her musical group. Spend the evening in a carefree, relaxed atmosphere, as before, do not discuss family problems and certainly do not present to each other claims this evening.

Change your wardrobe: dirty, tacky-dressed man does not cause sexual interest in the second half. And you need to look brilliant, perfectly for a woman to be able to see you on the other hand, that she re-emerged interest to you.

Spend more time together, ask her chores, Hobbies.

Communicate care and attention to your wife, be patient. She needs to understand that such a kind, gentle man, interesting person and a sexual partner, it is unlikely to be able to meet.