
In 1964 a young man, Randy Gardner of San Diego participated in the experiment and did not sleep for 11 days, the result of which was listed in the Guinness book of records. In the first two days he felt fatigue and irritability, and on the sixth day he began to show signs that foreshadow Alzheimer's disease, then hallucinations and paranoia, trembling hands, confused speech, forgetfulness.

Later this record was broken by 42-year-old Briton Tony Wright who stayed awake 11 days, but for a few hours longer than Randy Gardner. At this time he ate only fruits and vegetables, drinking herbal tea, played pool and kept a diary. In the Guinness book Tony never got because the deprivation category (deprivation) sleep was excluded from the book because of its destructiveness to one's health.

Known cases and a much longer period of wakefulness, but they are mostly people with certain unique features. Ordinary, the average person is able to go without sleep for 3-5 days at the cost of very great efforts.

Here have value, and individual human characteristics. Someone to rest and restore requires up to 12 hours a day, and someone needs 4 hours of sleep (enough, for example, Napoleon, and several historical figures). Someone can be in the active state longer and some less. It is believed that a need for sleep affects the strength and power of human energy, its bio-field, which can fix some appliances.

The consequences of lack of sleep

Sometimes people do not sleep for several days, working on an urgent project, being in an extreme situation or war.
In any case, without the need better not to test the capabilities of your body and provide restful sleep. After regular and prolonged lack of sleep the body is difficult to recover. The consequences - dizziness, slow response, and confusing the speech, digestion, decline in visual acuity, problems with the nervous system, depression, accelerated aging, decreased mental and physical abilities, etc.

Scientists found that one sleepless night reduces cognitive function by 30% for two nights - 60%. Then begins to change hormones, communication between neurons in the cerebral cortex, suffers psyche. The longer the Wake, the more problems arise. Through three-five days without sleep begin to break down the brain cells, increasing the load on the heart and on the entire body. Further sleep deprivation leads to irreversible complications and even death.