Find out the phone numbers of the municipality or district administration and the call to obtain the necessary information. The fate of each home addresses the interdepartmental Commission, formed in one of these institutions - it all depends on who in your city has the right to decide such questions. The Commission assesses the state of the house and makes a decision whether it is livable or not, and whether it's demolition. In this Commission with the request for demolition can be treated as a company engaged in the service of this house and representatives of associations of proprietors of habitation.
If your house is included in the program for demolition of dilapidated housing, you will learn about this special notice, which should come in the mail a year before the start of deconstruction. So suddenly you have no one to evict is not allowed. During the year, you will even be able to privatize housing in the presence of a social tenancy agreement. Call the division of architecture, construction, reconstruction and development of the city. There you will be told whether the planned demolition of your home in the next few years.
Buy a local newspaper and find out if there are any publications on behalf of the administration on the recognition of your house emergency and subject to demolition. In the next six months after the publication of such materials, the authorities should provide you with a new home or to pay financial compensation.
Connect to the Internet and visit the official website of the Department (division) of urban construction. Under the heading "City programs" is usually placed and a list of homes, the demolition of which is planned in the near future. However, despite the fact that such lists must be updated weekly, in practice this rarely happens. So you'll have to wait for the notification to be sure that the house will soon be demolished.