The simple laws of men's attractiveness

The most important thing in a man that attracts the attention of a female is confidence. The man under any circumstances, should remain a man. He is primarily a protector and a hunter - so ordered it in nature. Self-confidence is evident throughout: solid gait, the calm, measured speech. Even look needs to say that a woman is not dealing with some kind of wuss and a whiner, and master of his life. She will be instinctively attracted to a man.

Not less than necessary feature of man's nature is tenacity. This initiative and the power guys like girls. It is important to set goals that will be achieved in stages. The success of men can be measured by the number of personal victories, whether working in the field, whether in self-actualization.

Girls love generous guys. No one is saying that he needs to squander money right and left, buy her diamonds, land on the moon, but he must pay for it at a restaurant, give her gifts on holidays and at least a couple times a month to give flowers. This quality can be coupled with gallantry and the ability to behave in polite society.

Sharp mind, the ability to joke and to communicate freely with others. As you know, women love with their ears, and inarticulate, narrow-minded young person will never be able to interest and captivate a girl.

Is there a ideal of male attractiveness?

Reading quality for quality, you would think that a woman wants to meet around the corner of a Greek God descended from Olympus. And a beautiful, smart, and strong. Probably men will think that women are guided by stereotypes. However, many women, so many opinions.

Is important to someone, so close to her was slender and handsome, a sort of aesthetic attachment to her person - so that other women envied her. Another need he was promising - a kind of far-sighted contribution. There is a category of women who throw themselves on his father's money, his choice, not thinking about what dad will grow old and someday die, and his blood completely adapted for independent living, and finances have come to an end. But there are ladies who choose may not be rich, but shrewd men who have big plans for the future and able to implement them.

Some find the perfect men in movies and inconsolably for him sigh, dreaming of familiarity, but it is worth remembering that this is only a picture that is significantly different from reality. Of course, no girl would not have refused a personal bond, so the man must be just the way it was done nature: strong, attentive, caring and able to fend not only for himself but for his family.