Where to enroll for training

Training in a driving school you can start from the age of 16, you need either to enroll in the criminal procedure code of the school car case, or, if not, to learn in a driving school take students. In this case, your training can last for six months or even a year. However, with the consent of the parents and a statement from them, you will be allowed to take the exam in the SAI to adulthood, the results of which you will be given a certificate. And in 18 years it will be possible to obtain a license in any branch of the traffic police.

If this option you not suitable, for whatever reason, then at age 18 you can go to driving courses from another educational institution in which you went after school if it cooperates with a driving school. In this regard, you will be given a small discount. Or you just recorded in any convenient driving school.

The most common training program – 3 months, but there are also 1 and 6 months. During this time you will listen to the theory of traffic regulations to cover up your hours with an instructor, who will you prepare for the exam on the racetrack and in urban environments.

Having received approval from your driving instructor towards the end of your training, you allow the internal examination in driving school, which will show how much you are willing to GAI. Change. is a difficult test, but when preservation of self-control, great knowledge of rules and ability to handle with the machine you will surely pass.

Exam GAI

The exam consists of theoretical and practical parts, which in turn is divided into "Speedway" and "city". In theory you need to solve one random ticket rules and make it no more than two errors is the easy part. On the racetrack, you say, what are the three exercises you must do and you, remembering all you have learned, perform them. The urban part of the exam by and large a lottery where you might get lucky unsure of the driver, and not be good. Tune initially, but in case of failure, do not worry, many people not pass the first time.

Received a certificate of the driving school once you are all accepted and congratulated on completion of training, feel free to head to the nearest branch of the traffic police, wait your turn and get well-deserved right! The state fee is 400 rubles on the right paper type, 800 rubles on plastic and 1000 for international. Which to choose, decide for yourself, but enough paper, because they will still lie with all the documents in one bag.