What is a heart attack?
This condition is a partial or total organ damage, which is a consequence of the overlap of a blood clot a major artery. This may be due to a sharp spasm or poor patency of blood vessels, scored cholesteric plaques. Thus, the surrounding tissue gets enough oxygen and nutrients, which have to do with blood. So is the death of the body. Most often occurs in myocardial infarction (cardiac muscle) and brain, rarely of the intestine and kidney. The main cause of blood clots in the arteries – atherosclerosis of the blood vessels.
What are the characteristics of a stroke?
This disease is an acute blood supply disturbance of the brain, which is accompanied by damage of the brain tissue with the violation or complete absence of its functions. Normally the stroke occurs on the background of atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, infectious diseases, stress and excessive exercise. The precursors of the disease are weakness and violation of the sensitivity of individual body parts, as well as poor working memory, language and consciousness.
The longer poor blood circulation in the affected parts of the brain during the stroke, the more functions are lost, perhaps forever.
What is the difference between a heart attack and stroke?
A heart attack is different in that it is a complete or partial tissue death which is the consequence of impaired supply (ischemia) of any organ. Stroke - acute impairment of cerebral circulation, accompanied by tissue damage. A stroke, unlike a heart attack, is a broader concept that includes the rupture of blood vessels, hemorrhage, and other conditions, leading to damage meninges. A heart attack, in fact, is one of the varieties of stroke.
At the same time the onset of myocardial infarction and stroke cerebral vessels can lead to death or coma.
A stroke can be a consequence of myocardial infarction?
Of course, maybe because the main cause of these two diseases – atherosclerosis. In addition, when acute myocardial infarction is often observed heart failure, which may trigger the development of stroke. Another complication of myocardial infarction – thromboangiitis in which a blood clot leaves the heart and blood flow often enters the blood vessels of the brain.