"Klacid" and its analogs

The drug "Klacid" is prescribed to treat a wide range of diseases: infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, pneumonia, otitis, gonorrhea, Staphylococcus aureus, leprosy, infections of the skin and soft tissues. The drug has an effect on pathogens of borelioza, pertussis, syphilis, poisoning, acne, enterocolitis. In these cases, also use analogues of the drug. The drug should be administered only by a physician.

If the treatment is assigned "Klacid", but it is not for sale before you buy analog, you should also consult a doctor. The equivalent of "Klacid" - are drugs from the same group having the same active substance. These include: "Klacid SR", "Klobuks", "Binocular", "Klitrosen", "Clarence", "Keramin", "Clarithromycin", "Clarica", "Clarocet" and some others.
To find analogues should be cautious, since each drug has its own particular use.

How to make the equivalent of "Klacid"

The most popular analogue "Klacid" - "Clarithromycin". It is usually prescribed to adults and children aged 12 years: 250 mg twice a day every twelve hours. The course of treatment - one to two weeks. "Clarithromycin" is contraindicated in severe hepatic insufficiency, hepatitis in the history of the disease, porphyria, with children up to 6 months in the first trimester of pregnancy, and at the same time with "Terfenadine", "Cizapridom", "Astemizole", "Pimozide".

Another analogue of the drug "Klacid SR" (sustained-release tablets) is usually prescribed for adults: 500 mg 1 time a day in severe infections, this number increased to 1 g, in these cases, it is taken 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is 5-14 days. "Klacid SR" contraindicated in childhood and adolescence to 18 years, porphyria, increased sensitivity to components of the tool.
With caution "Klacid SR" assign with impaired renal function and liver, myasthenia gravis, concurrent use of drugs that are metabolized by the liver.

The drug "Klabax" prescribed to adults in the amount of 250-500 mg twice a day. The duration of intake means is 6-14 days. Children dose of the drug calculated from the body weight per day give 7.5 mg per kilogram of weight of the child. The course of treatment – 7-10 days. Contraindications "Klabax" the same as"==".