How is intracranial pressure in humans

The human brain is protected from excessive stress and mechanical damage special fluid – the cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid is constantly circulated and updated under a certain pressure. The CSF, in addition to its protective functions, supports the metabolism between the brain and blood, and also helps to remove products of metabolism of the brain. Normal values of cerebrospinal fluid pressure for an adult is 5-7 mm Hg for children 1 to 2 mm Hg.

If for some reason the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is disturbed, there is stagnation of this fluid. And then the intracranial pressure is increasing. Most often this happens because of narrowing of the ducts, which moves the cerebrospinal fluid, or metabolic disorders, whereby the liquid is poorly absorbed into the blood. A temporary increase in intracranial pressure can occur without stagnation of the CSF. For example, when a strong cough or sneeze, that is stress.

Increased intracranial pressure can also be a symptom or consequence of several diseases, including very dangerous. Such diseases include stroke, encephalitis, brain tumors (both benign and malignant), meningitis, hydrocephalus of the brain, migraine, poisoning. This phenomenon is often if overweight, an overdose of vitamin A.

What are the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

If intracranial pressure is increased, a person can feel frequent headaches of varying intensity, noise in the ears, blurred vision (first peripheral, later, Central) and hearing. The pain may spread to the neck and upper back. Often increased intracranial pressure entails fatigue, drowsiness, confusion.

In such cases, should consult a neurologist, to undergo the necessary tests (e.g. MRI). When the diagnosis is confirmed treatment. It usually involves taking drugs that improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues of the brain, as well as sedatives, vitamins. For example, migraines can be assigned to "Vazobral", "Imigran". In any case preparations must appoint a physician. Do not self-medicate, because you can aggravate the disease.