Why dry leaves from houseplants and how to deal with it

The main reasons why the dry leaves of Anthurium, include the following:
- insufficient watering;
- too dry air;
- defeat the greenhouse aphids;
- Anthracnose, etc.

Typically, when bad watering and insufficient humidity leaf plates quickly wither and dry. The intensity of irrigation should depend on the time of year: in summer water the Anthurium should be abundant, and in winter reduce watering. Basic rule: between waterings substrate in the pot should dry on a 1/3-1/2 pot. The perfect humidity indicator for growing this houseplant is 85-95%. If to create such conditions, the leaves of the plant won't dry.
If the Anthurium does not bloom, the reason lies in insufficient light and incorrect feeding.

When Anthracnose leaf plate begins to dry from the edges, then the thinner the sheet, and after it dries completely. Treatment of infected plants is in the handling of its leaves systemic fungicide.

In case of defeat houseplants greenhouse aphid Anthurium leaves shrivel, twist, and covered with bright spots (this process is accompanied by abscission of the flowers). To get rid of pest affected plants treated with preparations "Malathion and Actellic".

The blackening of the leaves of Anthurium and combat this phenomenon

Causes blackening of the leaf plates:
- direct sunlight;
- inappropriate temperature mode;
- the predominance of calcium salts in the substrate.

Anthurium bad moves drafts: its leaves curl and blacken. Therefore, this indoor plant you want to move to another safe place for him.
Watering hard and cold water can cause the appearance of brown spots on the leaf laminas of Anthurium.

From direct sunlight Anthurium leaves turn black, that's why this houseplant is a must pritenyat. Ideally, this should be filtered sunlight or partial shade.

Too high or too low temperature will cause black spots on the leaf laminas of the plant. Indoors in the summer period, the temperature should range from 25 to 28C, and in winter - 17-19 ° Celsius.

On the presence of calcium salts in the soil evidence of limescale on the inside of the pot. In this case, we recommend to change the substrate (if you replace the soil completely impossible, at least to perform the substitution of top soil layer), thus enriching him with leaf humus or peat. In the future, houseplants need to be watered exclusively with soft water.