How useful fruits for diabetes?

Diet diabetics would be complete without berries, fruit and dried fruit. Enriched with various vitamins, pectin and fiber, they speed up metabolism, reduces sugar and cholesterol in the blood, removes toxins from the body and reduce the weight. People suffering from diabetes, will be useful acidic and sour-sweet fruits.

Maintaining health in this disease involves the observance of a certain diet, so patients should eat fruits, the glycemic index (absorption rate of carbohydrates) of which does not exceed 70.
Despite the low glycemic index of raspberries to get involved with them is not worth it due to the high content of fructose.
This category of the gifts of nature include the following:
- melons;
- apples;
- plum;
- apricots;
- peaches;
- pear;
- grenades;
- currants, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, cherries.

Tropical fruit, diabetics are allowed to eat kiwi fruit, Jambul, papaya, pineapple, mango.

Useful properties of fruit that can be eaten in diabetes

The most useful fruits for diabetics is recognized as apples and pears, rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and pectin.
Most low glycemic index have dried apples sour varieties, peel which can be used to make tea.
Second place can give the cherries that contains coumarin – a substance dissolving blood clots and prevents their formation.

A shrub of black currant – a real storehouse of vitamin C. Besides eating the berries, the patient can brew a black currant leaf tea. Such a healing drink strengthens fragile blood vessels and acts as lymphopenia tool.

Citrus deserves a special attention grapefruit, which is desirable to eat at least 1 a day. Any citrus fruits in diabetes mellitus are useful because they contain not only vitamins, but coarse fiber. You should not get involved only tangerines.

Patients suffering from obesity due to diabetes, experts recommend to use kiwi. This exotic fruit burns fat, regulates weight, regulates sugar level in the blood. And for the health of diabetics with pathologies of the cardiovascular system beneficial are berries strawberries and strawberry, rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamin C.

Fruits that you cannot eat with diabetes

The use of any products with a high content of glucose in diabetes is prohibited. The list of forbidden fruit is as follows:
- grapes;
- bananas;
- persimmon;
- Fig;
- sweet sweet cherry varieties.

Dried dates and raisins are also not allowed to eat. You should not squeeze from the forbidden fruit and juices, because they have great glucose content.