
This medicine is an average of 3-4 times cheaper than the "Cavinton". The drug is not less effective means to improve blood circulation in the brain. The drug improves cerebral metabolism and has antispasmodic effect, which allows to achieve the relief of headaches, improve the transportation of oxygen to the brain and improve blood composition in General. In contrast to the "reverse", the drug can be used as a remedy against violations of memory, frequent dizziness, apraxia, and frequent headaches. As "Cavinton", a medicine used to treat problems with the cerebral circulation, encephalopathy. The drug is widely used in ophthalmology.
Similar to "Bravington" is "Vinpocetine" having a cost that does not exceed an average 110R.

Should not self-appoint ourselves to such drugs and to replace medication without consulting with your doctor. These funds have a different composition, contraindications and the range of side effects.


"Cornavin" as "Bradenton", in its composition contains Vinpocetine, which creates the effect of the drug. The cost of the substitute is lower prices on "Cavinton" about 1.5 – 2 times when buying tablets 5 mg. the Drug improves cerebral blood circulation, dilating blood vessels of the brain, improving blood circulation and supplies the brain with nutrients, including oxygen and glucose. The drug has a relaxing effect on blood vessels, reducing the risk of strokes and ischemia. The drug is able to reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation in the brain by improving the compositions of platelets and thinning effects on the blood. The drug has the same indications as "Bradenton", making it a valid analogue of the drug.
Among other cheap analogs can be noted "Vero-Vinpocetine", "Vinceti", "Karsavin Forte."


Action "Electra" is also based on Vinpocetine, however, the drug has a slightly different composition of auxiliary substances for better absorption of the medication, in contrast to the "Bravington" and "Karsavina". Another feature of the tool is its presence on the shelves of pharmacies in the dose of 5 and 10 mg, which may be more suitable for patients with certain diseases. The cost of "ELEKTRA" 2-3 times lower than the "Karsavina", and the level of efficiency is estimated as similar.