You will need
  • - "Akvamaris";
  • - analogues "Akvamaris".
"Akvamaris" is a very famous drug which is used to fight colds. Now pharmacies can be found not only all the usual cough "Akvamaris", composition for irrigation of the oral cavity, to remove and prevent formation of cerumen and even a device by which the solution may be rinsed at the same time the nasal passages and throat. As you can see, the choice is very large. but the principle is the same: any drug from the "Akvamaris" is a tool on the basis of sea water, which is very gently but reliably removes from the mucous cause inflammation.
But even with such a large selection of consumers are looking for analogs of "Aquamaris". The reason for this is often the high price of the drug. If it's all at a price that is economical buyers should pay attention to the very affordable "Aqua-Renosol". Price pleasantly surprised, because the cost of the drug does not exceed 50 rubles. For this money of the Russian manufacturer offers spray, which is based on 0.9% sodium chloride solution. "Aqua-Renosol" is used when inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
Of course, the affordability is appealing to many. But still it is worth remembering that it is not always cheaper counterparts can be just as effective. Therefore, if you substituted "Akvamaris" that is guided by the quality of treatment. Well among consumers and professionals proven spray "These". It also contains sea water, which is shown to children and adult patients in the period of the appearance of colds. "These" is an excellent choice for relieving symptoms during acute infection and also as a preventive measure. Because sea water does not allow microbes to accumulate and create a hazardous concentration at such a defenseless nasal mucosa. A big plus in favor of choosing "Orinasal" is its more affordable price if compared with the "Akvamaris".
Generally, sprays for nose and throat on the basis of sea water in pharmacies to be. An example is the French spray "Physiomer", which is suitable even for infants and kids. And if none of the analogues "Aquamaris" is not credible, it is quite possible to do a nasal wash with a simple saline solution. It is available to all, sold in every pharmacy and is completely safe for even the youngest patients.