How can you get a stomach ulcer

The reasons for the appearance of peptic ulcer disease include prolonged stress, negative emotions, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, chronic appendicitis, hormonal problems, heredity. Ulcer is formed due to the imbalance between protective and aggressive factors. Protective factors include alkaline reaction of saliva and pancreatic juice, gastric and duodenal mucus, cell regeneration and healthy circulation. Aggressive factors is the gastric juice, reflux of bile entering the stomach contents from the duodenum.

Frequently the ulcer appears due to the reduction of the protective mechanism of the mucous membrane, while the negative effect of gastric juice is increased, and his aggressiveness increases. Peptic ulcer disease can be get as a result of existing gastritis. The main reason for its development is an infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori). It is found in every tenth inhabitant of Russia. The H. pylori secretes ammonia, which is toxic, therefore the stomach starts to produce more hydrochloric acid.
Helicobacter produces harmful substances that cause damage to the mucosa.

An important factor in the development of stomach ulcers is heredity. In this case it is possible to inherit a predisposition to the disease: congenital defective blood vessels, increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. Under the influence of negative factors, this will inevitably lead to disease.

The reasons for the increased aggressiveness of gastric juice, the complications of ulcers

The main reasons for the increase in the aggressiveness of gastric juice are:
- alcohol,
- Smoking,
- irregular meals,
- fast-food,
- an excess in the diet of annoying, rude, spicy food, fast food.

These factors have a greater effect on the gastric mucosa in the presence of stress, negative emotions, abuse of coffee, taking certain drugs ("Aspirin", "Indometacin", "Aspirin"), and in the presence of H. pylori.
The factors that increase the aggressiveness of gastric juice, are stronger than, if the patient's blood.

A complication of stomach ulcers is bleeding (10-15% of cases). Patients vomiting with blood, black stools. From 6 to 20 percent of cases the ulcer is accompanied by a perforation (creation of the hole) in the abdominal cavity. In 15% of cases the disease captures other organs (pancreas, liver). In the long course of the disease in 6-15% of patients appears a narrowing of the affected area (scar).