From brunette to blonde - not worth the rush

Dyeing dark hair blond is a continuous process. You should not even try once to get the desired color. The result can be disastrous. First you need to carry out the procedure of wash. A special composition is applied to hair as a dye. He destroys the dark pigment, leaving hair hollow inside. They can be filled with any color. With very dark hair you might require more than one procedure.
You need to remember that the light, the hair becomes finer due to the fact that they almost no coloring pigment. Particularly affected are the tips. They need to process nourishing means.

After washing should take about ten days to be able to carry out the staining procedure. During this time you need to use a regenerative means - balms and masks. Then we will be able to maintain the health of hair.

The maximum whitening after washes - three or four tones, depending on the structure of the hair. Thicker colored harder. That is a transition color from brunette to platinum blonde light chestnut or medium brown. In the next painting you can try to achieve the desired colour. But you need to take into account the natural shade of tresses. If it was rusty (dark brown, for example), the color yellow can come out and after coloring. In this case, it is possible to toned the hair with a special shampoo with purple dye. It perfectly neutralizes the "chicken" tone, making the hair platinum.
Very dark, tight, curly hair should not even try to recolor in platinum blonde. To get the desired hue, will have to spend a huge amount of procedures that would ruin the hair.

Coloring shampoos and foams - great for natural blondes

If the hair themselves are bright, they can not be hurt with the paint and to give a platinum shade lighter vehicles. Shampoos and foam cover curls a thin layer, making them more dense, shiny. The only downside - keep it short. The shampoo washed off after one to two times a week after three to five trips to the shower. But, unlike paint, unstable means can be used quite often, not fearing to spoil the health of the hair. For example, to apply a toning shampoo can be one to two times a week. The main thing is to use it properly.

Before applying you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo, then distribute the tint and curls hold for a few minutes. From the time that the tool is on the hair, depends on the intensity of the color. If overexposed, the hair will not become platinum, and gray-purple.