The risk factors for the development of thrush

Candidiasis or thrush can affect anyone – from a newborn baby up to adult men and women. Disease caused by the yeast Candida, which constantly dwells on the skin surface and mucous membranes. However, it develops not always, it needs a certain push in most cases which is a decrease in immunity.
The diagnosis of thrush is based on the clinical picture and results of the conducted light microscopy. Methods PCR, MIF and bacterial seeding an important diagnostic role to play.

Thrush is manifested by symptoms such as itching of the genitals, and unpleasant smelling cheesy discharge (hence the name). The acute form of the disease requires immediate treatment. If you ignore this recommendation, there is a risk of transformation of acute to chronic candidiasis, recurrent up to.

What are the consequences of a yeast infection?

The main danger is not treated yeast infection is to spread pathogenic fungus to adjacent organs. This form of the disease called candidiasis common, and it can be localized anywhere on the body.

The major share of the risk group is the female population because of certain feminine factors that influence hormonal balance. It may be hormonal contraception, pregnancy, childbirth, and regular menstrual cycle. As lesions of the vagina, the infection can spread to the fallopian tubes and the uterus, outside the sexual sphere.

When infection with candidiasis of the mouth the danger lies in its possible transition to the tonsils, pharynx, esophagus and bronchi. For expectant mothers regardless of pregnancy thrush is always dangerous, because the pathological process may infect the fetus in the womb or during birth through an infected birth canal.

In men, genital candidiasis is considered a rare disease due to their anatomy. Despite this, hidden for the yeast infection can cause the development of phimosis.
If during the period of treatment of thrush there is a need in intimate relationships, to satisfy it, but only with a condom.

Candidiasis of the intestine – the perfect habitat for yeast. This increases the risk of infection of the vagina by fungi of Candida from the intestines, lesions of the skin and oral cavity. The process extends to the surrounding areas, especially the perianal area.

A yeast infection as the disease is not dangerous to human life, but to ruin her as she could, making discomfort. This is especially true of intimate relationships, where the danger of mutual infection is for both partners.