Sell b/a wedding dress is not easy. The most favorable time for this is immediately after the wedding, has not yet passed the fashion for this model. If you decide to sell yourself, it is worth considering not all girls will want to go somewhere far away for the sake of fitting one thing that may not be the right size or not close. Therefore, the announcement should accurately specify the size, upload good pictures, preferably several and in different angles.

It is also important to adequately set the price for the goods.
If you sell dress home, you need to have a full-length mirror, a place to try on and create good lighting.
Remember that for the sake of fitting one expensive things few people dare to come to you, because the time spent could not be justified. Also in the ad, do not put the price of the dress is more than 50% from the one for which you bought the product but too cheap to sell is not worth it, it may scare away buyers, because they would have thought that with the dress something's wrong.

Accessories to the dress such as veils, gloves, should not be offered as a gift with purchase. It is best to sell them separately, because buyers may not like these additions. But if you have a girl try on a dress, she can gently suggest to buy extra things.

Would be a good move, if you specify in the ad that it is ready for fitting to approach. When creating an advertisement, notice designer things. It is desirable to specify in the header. Be sure to write about the state of things, it should not be dirty, otherwise no one will want to try it. If you have a curvy dress, then it should be attached petticoat (ring).

When selling, be polite and courteous is the key to a good seller.

For the fastest sale wedding dresses you should try to use as many options as possible. If you do not have Internet access, you may submit an ad in a newspaper, maybe not even one or the Ticker on TV. Such methods will require a cash outlay. You can donate a wedding dress in a second-hand store or to other surplus/thrift store. But in such places to buy things will be for a very small price. For realization of branded dresses can contact the special companies that are professionally engaged in selling used goods.

To sell dresses using the Internet. There are special free and pay sites for selling things, where you can post your offer. A huge number of them, it is important to choose the most popular ones and submit your ad to multiple sites. Also in social networks there are groups on the implementation of used clothing, but most often they consists of a small number of people, so the chance to sell small. You need to keep in mind that all good sites to post your ad, you need to register. There are also resources where to sell your wedding dress can be left to the professionals, of course, this service is not free.