The reduction in the number of IP in Russia in 2013-2014

According to statistics, last year the number of entrepreneurs in Russia has dropped from 4 million people to 3.5 million people By the end of January 2014 statistics are also disappointing for a month, the negative balance amounted to 10.5 thousand SP. This mass reduction was observed for the first time in the last 5 years.

Meanwhile, according to the tax, only 26% closed SP paid taxes and carried out the real activity. The rest were broken and gave zero return.

The number of entrepreneurs began to decline since the end of 2012, when he became aware of the increase of contributions for entrepreneurs. It was assumed that two-fold increase in UI contributions to the pension Fund should contribute to the reduction in the deficit of the FIU.
According to experts, the FIU deficit now exceeds $ 1 trillion. R.
In practice, however, the mass closure of SP led to the fact that the budget fell short of the 9.5 billion R.

The reasons for closing SP

Before 1 January 2013 mandatory contributions to the pension Fund and HIF accounted for SP 17 208.25 R., 2013, he doubled - up to 35 664.66 R. increased contributions to the Pension Fund has dealt a serious blow to Russian business.

The Ministry's representatives believe that between the closure of SP and growth of payments in PFR is a direct correlation there. However, the survey data "Support of Russia" only 2% of entrepreneurs have not experienced additional financial difficulties in connection with increased contributions. That's why almost half of the respondents (47%) took the decision to close IE. 17% of respondents were forced to take measures on optimization of the tax base, and 7% were forced to fire some employees. 7% entrepreneur noticed a reduction in profitability, and 10% abandoned plans to expand the business.

It turns out that at the level of income of the businessman of 100 thousand R. the tax burden exceeded 30%. According to statistics, less than this level of income in the service sector receive about 33%, while sales in the segment – 54% of microentrepreneurs.

Today IE have to pay fees both for themselves and for their employees. Probably such a serious drain on small businesses would not be, if simultaneously with the increase of the tax burden, entrepreneurs provide other tax benefits. But with increasing insurance premiums for themselves, entrepreneurs who have employees, there is no way to offset them when calculating the tax base.

In connection with the negative figures for entrepreneurs, government was again changed the procedures for calculating contributions for them.
The contributions of IP to off-budget funds in 2014 will reach 20 727.53 R., but it will be relevant only for individual entrepreneurs with a turnover of 300 thousand rubles. per year
However, to call it tax relief can be a stretch, because the contributions will be reduced only for entrepreneurs with monthly revenue of 25 thousand rubles., and there is almost gone.