A reasonable compromise: to write or not?

As a rule, frequent calls and messages from the girlfriend don't wait. Everything has a reasonable limit. And if the girl is cultured, educated, phoning and writing to the guy every hour will not. These messages will not lead to good. In addition to negative feelings (irritation, anger) others, and especially, positive emotions certainly will not be.

The girls are really looking forward to a call or message from a loved one. Sometimes waiting is hard work. Sometimes it is delayed and there is a desire to remind myself. Such a step is welcome, but it is important not to spoil the view of yourself, because guys have other things to do, problems which should be solved without the participation of outsiders.
It is important to tolerate the freedom of personal space, each partner.

Generally girls great lovers to talk and chat on the phone, and the guys are not so talkative. However, it sometimes happens, when one call girl that can really make a difference in the life of a boy. It is no secret that one phone call is a chance to get acquainted and establish the relationships as very close, so friendly.

The woman writes what does it mean?

If a girl breaks your phone the next messages, this does not mean that she lost interest in your person. Most likely, she's waiting for a call or SMS from you, afraid to seem annoying, or really busy (work, studies, etc.). Such excitement occurs in a little insecure boys.
If there is no doubt about the feelings of the beloved, so reason to worry about the infrequent calls there.

Conversations and correspondence on the phone – not the only way of communication, but reliable option for maintaining good relations, a tool that will allow you to contact each other at the right time. A smart guy knows if a girl doesn't call or write itself, it is the main in their relationship and manages, deciding when to call and write and how many times.

It is advisable not to get carried away the phone texting and talking, and to sort things out for any reason and without. Let the phone is simply a tool for organizing meetings (live communication). It does not reduce the development of relations just by messaging on the phone. This is the wrong way and he has no positive future.

Of course, sometimes, when she really doesn't want you to write or call. To understand it is not so difficult. During the conversation, the girl is not eager to communicate with you or drop your call, not answering texts, or trying to quickly finish the conversation. It is better to try to figure out what's the reason to know you will need it or not. Ask a direct question and think about her answer. Would you feel if the girl is no longer yours.