The reasons for such phenomena are many, they can arise from various pathologies of the cervical spine, surge the muscle fibers, impaired patency of blood vessels, strong nervous shock, neurosis, etc.

Treatment of tingling in the hands

Tingling, numbness and other discomfort – in essence, violations of the sensitivity of the skin that occur due to the compression of the nerve roots in the cervical spine. That is why the first step is to eliminate these crushing. Medical treatment is to remove inflammation, muscle spasms and improve blood vessels.
In addition, assigned to vitamins, minerals, chondroprotectors.

As the local impact gives good results with chiropractic. Special gymnastics is also possible to cope with the problem, because active muscle contraction contribute to the normal function of blood vessels. Often doctors prescribe physical therapy, for example, laser treatment, magnetic therapy, ultrasound.
It should be noted that the methods of alternative medicine (hirudotherapy, acupuncture) significantly enhance the effects of other types of treatment.

People's ways

Folk medicine also knows a lot of tools that help to get rid of the tingling and numbness in the hands. For example, to improve blood circulation in hands, fit this tool. For its preparation should take 200 grams of vegetable oil, half a Cup of sugar and stir until smooth. Applied on problem areas with light massage movements.

Help to get rid of the disease salt baths. In a liter of warm water dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in the composition lower limbs, hold for about 30-40 minutes. Good effect and contrast baths. In one basin pour cold water and another with hot but not boiling water. First down into cold water, hold for about a minute, then hot. Should be repeated at least 5 times. A positive result will not keep itself waiting long.

For rubbing can to apply this remedy. Pickled cucumber cut into small slices, mixed with pod minced red pepper. Components poured a bottle of vodka and infused in a dark place for 7 days. To RUB the limbs need to sleep.