Why people are prescribed tranquilizers

Some people often experience sensory overload, stress, fear, anxiety. It does not go unnoticed. Often the result is constant nervous excitation, insomnia. And in the most severe cases it can reach up to mental disorder.

If the usual methods of calming, relieving nervous tension (anger management, healthy daily routine, relax, aroma baths, massage) do not help, the doctor prescribes to the patient a tranquilizer. These drugs have a pronounced calming and relaxing effect. With their help, nervous excitement, anxiety, or quite disappears, or becomes significantly weaker. The hypnotic effect of tranquilizers is that sleep comes easier, and its depth and duration increases.
Tranquilizers almost no help for conditions caused by mental disorder (e.g., delusions, hallucinations).

In some cases, to prescribe tranquilizers undesirable

In the treatment of tranquilizers can produce the effect of addiction and also drug dependency. Therefore, the use of tranquilizers is only to appointment of specialist and under his careful supervision. As already mentioned, in the free sale of such drugs are not allowed to buy them only on prescription. Particularly high risk of drug dependence when taking tranquilizers in children and adolescents. Therefore, persons under 18 years tranquilizers, usually not prescribed.
In some cases, when it is absolutely necessary, tranquilizers and administered to the young patients, but only for a short time.

A characteristic side effect of some tranquilizers are drowsiness, decrease in reaction speed, concentration. So those people whose work is associated with increased responsibility, the need for rapid and precise reactions, these drugs also assign undesirable. For this category of people include, for example, drivers.

It is unacceptable to prescribe these drugs to people who abuse alcohol, as ethyl alcohol and products of its metabolism greatly increasing the inhibitory effect of components of tranquilizers on the Central nervous system. The result may be a sudden deterioration until coma and death. That is why you can buy them only on prescription.