Especially dangerous are two kinds of poisoning: paint and gasoline. The result of both the body fall very poisonous toxins that, when failure to provide or untimely provision of first aid to the victim can cause heavy consequences of the disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes lead to death.

First aid if poisoning pairs of gasoline

Evaporation of gasoline vapors appears a pungent suffocating odor that permeates literally everything - from hair to clothes. Symptoms of poisoning pairs of gasoline are the same that appear when alcohol poisoning. This nervous irritability, a feeling of euphoria in the victim, the appearance of dizziness, vomiting, weakness, increased heart rate. Also there is often reddening of the skin.
One of the striking symptoms of poisoning the body with vapors of gasoline is the emergence of hallucinations. Also may experience nausea, convulsions and increased body temperature. These symptoms are different substance abusers.

The main danger of regular inhalation of gasoline vapors is that the body pretty quickly gets used to them. As a result, the person needs a large dose of toxic air. As a consequence, developing a variety of diseases of the nervous system caused by brain damage by toxins, and the person becomes disabled.

First aid to a man who suffered from petrol fumes, is to organize the access of fresh air. If it is in the gas-polluted room, it needs to be removed. If the pair were aiming, for example, from the package, simply arrange a good draft. In this case, remember that the victim needs warmth. This means that we need to cover with a blanket.

Add to that plenty of warm drinks. Let it be the usual warm water. Its temperature should not exceed or be below body temperature, it will be absorbed into the body faster. Water as much as possible, because the liquid promotes faster elimination of toxins.

You can give safe herbal preparations – activated carbon or vegetable oil. The question of what to do with the victim, shall not be. Of course, it is necessary to show the affected physicians.

First aid for poisoning of paint

Poisoning by vapors of paint vary depending on what kind of paint was used. And this moment is crucial, because different brands of coloring tools give different symptoms.

The poisoning of paint is one of the most popular types of poisoning. It is sufficient to ignore the safety rules at carrying out of repair work, and this result provided in minutes.

Often symptoms of poisoning pairs of colors become irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, etc., headaches, as close to fainting, and many others.
Often these paint fumes poisoned people celebrate the appearance of hallucinations. Often poisonous is not the paint, as acetone, is included in its composition. The result is a state similar to alcoholic intoxication.

Professional painters may be chronic poisoning of the paint. Because the ink composition includes a solvent that prolonged exposure on the body has a very negative impact on the whole body in General. In this case, health deterioration is slower. It is characterized by General weakness and fatigue, despite adequate amount of rest. The victims harder and harder it becomes to undertake physical activity. There is a feeling of depression.

First aid in a situation of a sharp poisoning from paint is a little different from the one they provide in case of poisoning with gasoline. Be sure to drink plenty of fresh air and peace. Of course, it is also necessary to show the patient the doctor.

The use of herbal drugs and in this situation would be justified.

If you are faced with chronic poisoning by paint, you must change the affected person way of life: to add more walks in the fresh air etc. Besides, it is recommended to connect and vitamin complexes.

Most importantly, do not run, and then the results of the poisoning will not be so destructive.