Decent care

Speaking of the fourth stage of cancer, you need to face the truth: it is not accidentally called terminal, because the survival rate is so small that it does not take into account. The most important thing may be done by a specialist, is to help the patient to spend this period of life in good conditions and with high-quality anesthesia.

In the fourth stage, the cancer cells are from a tumor in other organs, affect the lymphatic system and bone tissue. To reverse the process medicine is not yet able. However, radiation, hormonal and chemotherapy to slow the spread of cancer cells and prolong the patient's life.
An important factor of human existence in the fourth stage of cancer is getting his mental state. Therefore, to extend the life of help, including, and counseling.

How long can a person live depends on many factors. Among them, the type of tumor and its aggressiveness, as well as the correct care. In addition, it affects life expectancy and how the body is affected by the tumor.

Disease in numbers

Unfortunately, most patients with cancer of the fourth degree can expect a lifetime of several weeks to several months. The most common reason for this is the late detection of the disease when metastases have penetrated in different organs and tissues of the patient.
In the terminal stage of the man can choose home care with visits to the doctor or life hospice is a special medical institution established for the terminally ill.

In the case of lung cancer, the doctors discharged the patient at the fourth stage, up to two months of life. But about 10% of them can live up to five years, especially for people under 30 years of age. In this type of disease, metastatic spread in the region of the heart, lymphatic system, kidneys and liver, which determines low life expectancy.

Also one of the most dangerous of cancer is pancreatic cancer. While the doctors treated him only symptomatically, the effectiveness of therapy significantly reduces the spread of cancer cells from most cancer in the lymphatic system, causing up to five years survive about 5% of patients.

Prostate cancer stage four chances to spend close to five years have each third. Most can count from one to three years, as well as metastases into the lymph nodes and liver, as well as bone, bladder, and rectum.

Gastric cancer in the terminal stage up to five years can live 15-20% of cases. Breast cancer and cervical cancer the fourth degree could be up to five years, about 15% of patients, and in the first case, this period may be more.

In colon cancer at the last stage of metastasis have been widely distributed throughout the body, so doctors can only alleviate suffering, and to live five years from 8% to 15% of patients. Even lower five-year survival for end-stage liver cancer — around 6%.