You will need
- - bones lemon;
- - flower pots;
- - soil;
- film;
- - fertilizers;
- - copper wire.
Of ripe lemon, remove the seeds, select the largest. Spend presowing seed treatment. To do this, soak them a day in a solution of sodium HUMATE, and then in a solution of a growth stimulant — "EPIN-extra".
In flower pots with a drainage hole, place pieces of broken bricks. Make a soil nutrient. To do this, mix a blend of compost, peat and soil in equal quantities, and then add 1/2 part coarse river sand. Fill pots and plant seeds to a depth of 2 cm the soil should be slightly moist. Cover with plastic wrap. You can just put the pot in a package. Watering is not necessary, a lot of moisture will cause rotting of the seeds.
Keep the pots in a room with a temperature of 18-22oC, and when the lemons grow, transfer them into the lighted area, tape it does not take once-a-day air, slightly pushing her. Water soft water pooled, but not in excess. When the plants get stronger remove the cover.
Feed through the 3 month complex fertilizers for citrus. Try not to change the terms, that is, do not move the pots, not stand on the balcony and so on. Lemons can lose leaves.
The growth of the transplant into the new pots are larger. Shape crown, to do this, first cut the tip of the main stem when it reaches 20 cm, This will give impetus for enhanced growth of lateral stems, cut them too, which will cause more branching. When you do this, leave 2-3 buds on each shoot. Usually the shoots of the fourth order will have to bear fruit, but not immediately, but after 4-5 years.
To speed up fruiting "acolyte" your lemons. To do this tie the trunk at the base of the copper wire. Over time it will cut into the bark and cause the expansion of the "influx" of this in the tree the nutrients will accumulate better, that will be the impetus for fruiting. But after six months the wire should be removed, and a trace of her to gloss over the garden pitch.
To fruit 2 times a year to re-pot lemon trees. Do it in June and February. Moisten the air in winter and arrange additional lighting fitolamp. Spend every six months feeding.
Lemons grown from seeds, not as capricious as purchased, but fruit can be small and in bad taste.