You will need
  • - sterile container;
  • - fresh material.
Under dysbiosis specialists understand the serious disorders of the intestinal microflora, which can provoke the appearance of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are several ways to determine this imbalance in the body: coprological, biochemical, and microbiological. All three methods involve the delivery of stool to the laboratory to conduct the necessary research. To pass, you will need to collect material into a container, which must be sterile, and then take it to the clinic by place of residence, where research can do for free. In private clinics this analysis is, on average, 400-500 rubles. Material must be received in the laboratory within three hours after collection, then only the results of the study will fully reflect the situation.
It is not recommended to take this type of analysis in that case, if the patient is taking antibiotic medications and medications with live microorganisms. As another contraindications to testing should consider the SARS disease that requires antibiotics. In that case, if the tests must pass child, remember that during the month after the birth of his gut flora is fragile and the result may not be accurate. Sometimes, studies conducted at different times of the day one day can differ significantly from each other, it is therefore necessary to wait until the baby turns at least a month.
The results of such analyses, it is possible to obtain after a couple of days after delivery. Usually they are sent to the area clinic, which is fixed to the patient or left at the reception. In that case, if the analysis were put into a private clinic, you should contact the registry. Most of the study on a dysbacteriosis conducted after the recent patient infectious diseases. The reason for the test is likely to be long the use of hormones and antibiotic, which was not controlled by the attending physician, as well as the passage of patient of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. After receiving the results of the analysis, the therapist will be able to determine why the violation occurred intestinal flora, and then prescribe treatment.