To eliminate the unpleasant smell from the vagina you need to find out its nature. This will help highlight. If they changed color, became white or greyish, their consistency similar to cottage cheese, most likely you have a yeast infection. It is caused by the bacteria that live in the body of every woman. Under the influence of external factors - after taking antibiotics, because of errors in diet, excessive consumption of alcohol, they begin to multiply too quickly. The discharge becomes opaque, there is a sour smell. Treated thrush is quite simple. The doctor prescribes suppositories or tablets, it is advised to remove from the diet certain foods.
If smell from the vagina is quite sharp, reminiscent of fish, while allocating too liquid (like water) or, conversely, zagustel if they changed the color to green or brownish - urgent need to run to the doctor. Most likely, in the internal genital organs settled infection. It can cause the development of cysts in the uterus or ovaries, endometriosis, adhesions, it may spread to the abdominal cavity and intestines. Infection interfere with getting pregnant and negatively affects the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to treat immediately, as soon as you notice the first warning symptoms. The doctor will take for analysis samples of secretions to determine what kind of disease to treat. After that he will prescribe medications. This is usually tablets and candles, restoring the vaginal flora.
Selection of healthy women have virtually no smell. But on certain days of the cycle, the amount of mucus could increase, leading to the accumulation of her panties. Not to doubt the freshness in these days, use thin pads, changing them as needed. They are not noticeable under clothing and will not cause any concern.