Involve your child in preparation mode of the day, because he will have to live according to this schedule. Start planning with observations. During the week write down all the classes of the student and the time required for them. By Sunday you will have finished a kind of "map of time", which you will use as the basis of ready-made routines of the day.
Analyze and discuss with the child the results. All important things taken into account whether there is time for walks and relaxation, or, conversely, inactive hours of leisure too much. In the right routine of the day student of any age must present the following main elements:- school;- tutoring in the groups and sections;- homework;- full-fledged regular food;- fresh air;- leisure;- a dream.
Strongly reduce the time on TV viewing and computer games. If you find that the child spend hours changing the channels or shoots at space monsters, suggest to choose another cure for boredom, for example, to join the pool or a dance Studio. Feel free to give more orders, secure the son or daughter of household duties, and determine their execution time.
Do not visit small activities that take up time. This is especially true for seniors, who need to pay more attention to preparing for the exams. Primary school pupils must be enough time for walks and NAPs.
Specify the routes that the student gets from home to school and the extra classes. Find the best way of transportation: by public transport, on foot or by car parents. Try to arrange time so that the child had the opportunity to go home after school and before class in sections.
Make a routine day in the form of a table. In the first column indicate the approximate time to the nearest 5 minutes, the second–, third column, leave to make additions. Keep in mind the psychological characteristics of a son or daughter. Slow child spend more time on the way to school, and one who is able to gather for a few minutes, you can give in the morning to sleep longer.
Use as the basis of the following exemplary scheme, approved by pediatricians and child psychologists for students 3-4 class, students in the first shift:- morning rise – 7:00;- charging, washing - 7:00 - 7:30;- Breakfast– 7:30 – 7:45;- school– 8:30 – 13:05;- lunch– 13:30 – 14:00;- outdoor games or a walk– 14:00 – 15:45;- afternoon tea - 15:45 - 16:00;- the homework - 16:00 - 18:00;- free time interests - 18:00 - 19:00;- dinner - 19:00 - 19:30;- housework - 19:30 - 20:00;- evening walk - 20:00 - 20:30;- bedtime routine - 20:30 - 21:00;- sleep - 21:00.
Adjust the rough sketch of the routine of the day in accordance with the age and interests of your child. First graders need to allocate an hour and a half for a NAP. The student will need more time for homework. The mode of the day will significantly affect the schedule of extra classes outside the home, and also the time required on the way to school, sections, and back. Students in grades 9-11 can later go to bed.
Over the next weeks will encourage your child to accurately comply with the regulations. Make the necessary changes in time, will augment the mode of individual classes, part of the routine Affairs of the port at the weekend. Explain to your child that the schedule of the day required, but it is possible and necessary to periodically make adjustments, making it more convenient.