You will need
  • - ruler or measuring tape;
  • - stopwatch;
  • - tachometer;
  • - dynamometer;
  • - ammeter.
Find the point of application of force and the point around which the body rotates. Measure the distance between them. It will be arm strength. Determine the direction of the force at the point of its application, with a dynamometer to measure its value. Using a protractor or the protractor, find the acute angle between the straight line, which has the arm strength and power.
Find the twisting momentby multiplying the force value on her shoulder and the sine of an acute angle between them (M=F•l•sin(α)). If the moment of force is perpendicular to her shoulder then sin(α)=1 and under these conditions develops a maximum moment. When the location of the hand and shoulder along the same line, sin(α)=0 and the moment of force is also equal to zero.
The engine doing the work, develops a twisting moment, which is the algebraic sum of many points of forces acting on different parts of the engine. Therefore, the easiest way to learn torque moment from the technical documentation, which is attached to the device.
If such information is not available, using a tachometer measure the rpm of the motor shaft in revolutions per minute. Engine power measure or find out from the documentation, expressing it in kilowatts. Find the value of torsional momentand by multiplying the engine power by 9550 and dividing the frequency of rotation of the shaft M=P•9550/n.
To calculate the torque moment of the frame with a current in a magnetic field, which is the Foundation of any motor, teslameter to measure the magnetic field in which it is located. Measure the distance from the rotation axis to the vertical conduit of the frame – this is the shoulder of the active force. Measure the length of the vertical conductors.
Connect the frame to the current source, ammeter measure the amperage in it. The maximum twisting moment to the frame, find the multiplying number 2 (since the vertical conductors of the two) on the value of magnetic induction, the current, the length of the vertical conductor and the arm strength to M=2•B•I•l•r. To find the torque moment of the motor, multiply this value by the number of turns of the winding.