You will need
  • - outdoor swimsuit;
  • - tinsel;
  • tape;
  • - artificial vines;
  • - flowers;
  • - Laundry gum;
  • - braid;
  • - needle;
  • - threads;
  • - a pair of scissors.
Manufacturer suitand start with the skirt. It can be done of different materials. If you decided to do this costume out of Christmas tree tinsel, we choose the one that is with a soft long NAP. Suit and satin ribbons, and artificial plants. Cut the tinsel pieces equal to twice the length of the skirt. It can be anything, but most often to the knee or slightly below. If you make a suit of satin ribbons, cut their edges obliquely or sewn.
Cut a piece of elastic. Sew it into the ring so that skirt was easy to wear. Better to take a wide elastic band, which is less stretched. You can make a belt from grosgrain ribbon. In this case you will need a clasp.
Folded in half a strip of tinsel or ribbon wear on the belt. Straighten the edges. Sew the strip to the gum. Tinsel can sew in principle, any thread, since the stitches are still hiding under the pile. If you are using ribbon or artificial vines, the material for stitching must be exactly the color. For satin ribbons, preferably silk thread. Sew the remaining strips, so they completely shut down the belt.
Decorate the bra. Tinsel can simply be sheathed on all sides. From the tapes it is better to make multi-colored rosettes and sew them on the neck, lines the armholes and bottom of the swimsuit. Rosettes can be done in the following way. Cut a piece of ribbon with a length of 10-12 cm On one long edge sew it with a seam "forward a needle" with small stitches. Roll the ribbon into a tube. Much structure stitched edge and sew through it a few cross stitches. Straighten the free edge. Sew the rosette to the bra. You can also use artificial flowers, cut from their stems.
Make a flower necklace. Try to keep it in the same style as the rest of the costume. Rosettes of ribbon or artificial flowers tab on the right color braid, best green. In the same way make the decoration on the head. This headband with attached flowers. Position them as prompt your imagination. If there is at hand the shells of different shapes, make a second necklace. Complete the costume with a corsage.