Collect fresh seaweed plan during low tide; remove it from the soil directly to the root. When the desired amount of algae is collected, remove the roots, trim off any yellow and damaged leaves. Cabbage should be without flaws.
Home rinse the leaves, it is convenient to do it directly in the tub. Cut into equal pieces the size of a palm.
Take roomy enough pan, lay in her seaweed about half. Cover with cold water, put on fire and start to cook until boiling. Once the cabbage is boiling, wait 5 minutes, drain and again pour the cabbage with cold water. Again, wait for the boil and after 5 minutes turn off the heat.
Seaweed after cooking rinse with cold water. Cool. Cut the cabbage in its sole discretion - looks nice cabbage, sliced into thin noodles. Then use cabbage for cooking: salads, soups, side dishes.
To seaweed preserved longer, do it for a marinade. To do this, take 2-3 cups of hot water, add salt, sugar, cloves and Bay leaves – all to taste. Boil this mixture for 15 minutes, drain excess liquid, cool it, add vinegar to your liking. The cabbage pour in marinade and soak it for 6-8 hours.