You will need
  • - Literature in Church Slavonic language (prayer book, New Testament, Psalms);
  • notes of those songs that takes your choir;
  • - musical instrument;
  • - the recorder;
  • computer.
Learn how fluent reading in Church Slavonic language. For this home daily to read the prayer book and other books in Church Slavonic language, with practice in speaking and understanding it.

You will not only have to perform music for the music, but to sing in the choir, the texts of the troparia, stichera, etc., on the voices according to the liturgical books. Books such as the Menaion, the Octoechos, the book of hours published in the language of communication with God – the Church Slavonic.
For proper singing in the Church choir – it is called the choir will learn musical notation and solfege. If school-singing lessons, little remains in memory, sign up for a course or circle of Church singing for adults.
It will help to develop the connection between your voice and hearing. That in some churches there are such courses, ask your parish priest or diocese.
If you have zero musical training, and the desire to learn Church singing is very big, do not worry. In the absence of courses and groups, please contact the Regent of the Amateur choir. After listening to you, he may be allowed to sing in the choir. The first time you will only sing the litanies, "Lord have mercy". Sing quietly and listen to the sound of the whole choir.
Based in Saint-Petersburg there are Amateur choirs in the Cathedral of Prince Vladimir (see, in the Kazan Cathedral, the Church of St. Anastasia of Sirmium, Chesme Church, the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Men can recommend an Amateur choir at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra).
Do not attempt to study osmoglasie, because in each Church the tunes are slightly different. It is better to learn the melody of the temple, in which are going to carry the choir obedience.
To learn Church singing in the choir stand next to more experienced singers. It is better that he sang in your ear. Watch carefully as he sings, repeat him to your party to learn it.
This will help you to understand the basic moves of his party, to understand its logic. And in the future will allow you to sing more confidently and consciously. When working with the choir hone accuracy in their note, the direction of the sound, pronunciation, breath, volume.
Spend your own music lessons at home. Ask the Regent of the notes and learn how to play Church songs using a musical instrument. Sing songs accompanied by the instrument, instead of calling syllables of the notes. Watch out for the duration of the notes. In the process of learning to play, for example, the synthesizer one party (soprano) and sing another one (e.g., viola).
If there is a tool, use other benefits of civilization. Write down your party or overall sound of the choir on tape. Listen to house, sing a few times, correcting errors that occur.
Use the training notes, downloaded from the Internet. Then proceed to sight-reading.
Ask an experienced teacher to practice with you. He noticed all your flaws, you know which direction you have to work with.
Achieve angelic singing – light, majestic, peaceful. Remember that Church music should not sound like Opera. And at the same time, it should not be rollicking folk.
Do not get carried away beautiful harmony, musical effects or complexity of execution, remember that words are primary and music is secondary. Do not engage in narcissism.
Putting the effort and work you through the year will be bearable to sing in the choir, praising God with all kerosene.
God help you!