To remove ink from most fabrics and skin rubbing alcohol can be used. Apply it on a clean towel and saturate the stain. After 20-30 minutes, DAB (but do not RUB!) spot a dry towel, and if it still remains, repeat the procedure 2-3 times, then rinse with a solution of acetic acid, with water made in the proportion of 1:20. To get rid of divorce, at the final stage, rinse the surface with clean water.
Alcohol can also be used to clean carpets from stains of ink. The technique of removing stains will be the same as in the case of fabric or leather, just to achieve the best result the surface should be rubbing, alternating rotational motion with friction back and forth.
Hydrogen peroxide can remove ink from the polyester, if the treatment with alcohol has no effect. Usually, the peroxide is harmless to painted fabrics, but before application, be sure to check its effect on an inconspicuous part of the product. Apply 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide on the stain and then rinse with clean water. Do not use this tool to remove stains from wool or silk.
To remove ink from a wooden or plastic surface, moisten the cotton wool with alcohol and apply to the stain. Usually, just a few minutes, the stain disappeared but if necessary repeat the procedure. If after several treatments the stain still remains, try to remove it cleanser based on orange oil.