Examine existing materials on the topic of the future benefits. Review of fundamental scientific works on the subject and the latest research data. As sources choose not only the usual books but also substantial network resources and thematic TV channels, the materials of scientific conferences and symposia, preferably, national and international level. This gives the Toolkit necessary scientific weight.
One theory for the creation of manuals is not enough. The best solution would be to separate all stages, in accordance with the recommendations of your benefits. This will not only show its viability, but also may reveal some inaccuracies and omissions. Then you will need to make adjustments to the working material.
Make a plan for future benefits. Reflect in it the most important thing in the form of abstracts and short comments. This plan will subsequently serve as the basis for the final text and will allow you to easily change the design manuals to achieve the best result.
Develop test questions on "manuals" and the solution of issues it challenges. Complete text of the methodological manuals with illustrations, charts and photos. Give specific examples of proper use of the stated technique.
Creating a methodological Handbook, try to present the material as simple as possible and understandable language. Such work is primarily intended for people who are just starting to learn about this subject.
Don't forget to include at the end a list of references as well as your recommendations for educational and scientific materials, the study of which will help in the development of the subject.