You will need
  • computer;
  • - boot disk with Windows.
Turn on the computer. Immediately after this, press the Del button. Instead of the usual turn on your computer you will find yourself in the BIOS menu. If you have a laptop, instead of the Del key can be other options. You can find this information in the manual to the laptop or on the official website of the manufacturer.
In the BIOS with the arrow keys on the keyboard (the mouse is disabled) select Boot Device, and figure 1. Press Enter. From the list of available devices, select the CD-ROM. Then in the main BIOS menu select Exit and press Enter. After that, a dialog box will appear that asks you to save the settings. In this window, select Save and Exit. The computer will reboot.
Insert into the optical drive of the computer disk with the operating system. It must be bootable, otherwise the download just will not start. If there is a window startup disk, close it. Then restart the computer. Now when it is turned on, the operating system will automatically begin to boot. But a situation may arise when on the screen appears the inscription Press any key. In this case to activate the boot disk you need to press any key on the computer keyboard. Wait until the first dialog box. According to the hints "Masters" install the operating system on your computer.
Next you need to restore the settings back, because the presence in the drive of any drive when enabled, will slow down the computer starts. After your operating system is installed, again go to BIOS menu, but this time the Boot Device as a first source boot the computer (figure 1) install your hard disk. When you exit the BIOS save settings. The computer will reboot. Now its inclusion will occur in normal mode.