Before submitting the final package of documents for registration of a trademark, check it for similarity and identity with the already registered or pending registration in the Rospatent. This procedure is necessary for you to be able to know whether your trademark (or similar to it) in the database of the organization.
If your trademark is already registered, you will receive a refusal of registration of your designation and acquire the rights to it. Please note: if you used a similar trademark owned by another owner, in its commercial activities, it can become the basis for the application of various sanctions against you. For example, you will have to reimburse all losses associated with unauthorized possession and use of third-party trademark.
However, the trademark may be provisional (that is, before submitting all the other documents for its registration). To do this, apply for a preliminary check with Rospatent and pay for services of the Agency. The inspection is carried out in a period of 7 to 14 days (depending on the urgency and value of order) in conjunction with FIPS.
Place an order for a preliminary validation of your trademark, make at the expense of Rospatent. Upon expiration of the inspection you will be provided with a report on your trademark. If such a sign is already in the databases of Rospatent, the surcharge specialists of this Department it is void in the event if it already exists in the documents your organization but not yet commissioned.
Be careful: numerous the company whose address you can find on the Internet or offline, can offer you to inspect in a shorter period of time (sometimes even in 1 day), but their databases can either contain incomplete information about trademarks (excluding marks awaiting registration), or not exist at all.