The first way of limiting or blocking Internet use is the use of special features built into most web browsers. For example, in Internet Explorer menu "Tools" - "Internet options" you can configure the access restriction information received from the Internet. To limit you can select one or more of the following suggested categories: "Violence", "Profanity", "Nudity", "Sex."
The disadvantage of this method lies in the fact that modern children tend to quickly understand the settings of the browser and easily find the option to disable parents set limits.
The second method is the use of special programs parental control, the most famous of which is a free program K9 Web Protection. To install this program, you must register on the official website of its manufacturers and to specify in the registration process your email address. After that the specified address will be sent a license code that must be entered during installation of the program. In the program settings you can restrict access to websites by selecting one of the five proposed levels of protection, either directly to specify unwanted categories of sites (a total of 68 such categories). For entrance to the program settings requires you to enter a password, which is set by parents during the first use of the program.
The main disadvantage of this program is that its complicated interface is available in English and the parents do not speak English, hard to understand it.
The third way is to use antivirus software with built-in parental control features. The most famous of these programs – Kaspersky Crystal. In addition to the prohibition of access to different categories of websites, this software allows you to limit the time of computer use. Access to the settings of the program is granted after entering a password set by parents.
Program Kaspersky Crystal is paid. To check the quality of the program, you can install a free trial of Kaspersky Crystal, which can be used within a month.
The fourth method is suitable for younger children. This free colorful browser Gogul designed specifically for kids. Using this browser, children can view only web pages of the children's sites approved by teachers and psychologists.
Each parent can try out various ways of limiting the access of their children to the Internet and choose the optimal variant.