Text can be written in any form, but it should be easy to read and to be understood. Clearly state your points and try not to give vent to feelings and emotions, even positive. To start with indicate the position, surname, name and patronymic of the employee, try not to make mistakes in them.
The review should be as objective as possible and not to create doubts about the veracity of the facts in it. Naturally, it should present only those that really took place. Specify the date and the circumstances in which did you get acquainted with an employee of the organization.
How was cooperation. Reflect not only the ability to work with clients and overall professional knowledge and the level. Try to make the text more concrete. The clearer you state your claim, if any, the easier it is for the company to eliminate the shortcomings that you found in the work of its employees.
Setting forth in detail, since the user will need to determine if the claim is your experience with employee negative because the fault of the employee, or is a consequence of the defects of the managers of the company. It also happens that the employee is simply performing their official instructions, which do not provide what you requested.
Be sure to leave feedback in your contact information, especially if it's negative. It may be your e-mail address, mobile number or home phone. The company should be able to inform you of the action taken.
If the review of the employee you write in a special book of complaints, which must be in services and trade, the view that it was properly executed. Its leaves should be bound and numbered and shall bear the stamp of the organization which carries out Supervisory functions in this field.