You will need
  • - Normative group;
  • - notarized documents;
  • - the Charter.
Form an initiative group, which should include 3-5 people. Members of the initiative group should clearly understand the specifics of the savings and loan Association credit cooperativeand acting according to the principles of the cooperativemovement tion with their direct management and control.
Arrange your first meeting. After the first people wanting to join the CCP as shareholders (they also need to be sure to inform about the upcoming General meeting, you need to gather them all together for further Association.
Hold a General meeting. Prior to this, it is desirable to determine the principle of the creation of the CPC and the source of creation FIT. A meeting of citizens interested in the possibility of establishing a CCP should take part invited an economist or a lawyer.
Follow all the organizational aspects of the initiative group prior to the holding of the constituent Assembly. Develop Charter of the CCP. As its basis it is possible to use standard statutes. Think of all the main areas of the Charter, which requires an individual approach, namely the name of the credit cooperative; legal address; the goals and objectives of the CCP; the amount of entrance and share contributions; the education funds of the CCP; the competence of the General meeting of the auditing Committee of the Board, Director and loan Committee.
Spend the constituent Assembly. It is necessary to solve three main questions: how should be established by the Credit cooperative of citizens; to discuss and adopt the Charter; choose the authorities of the revision Commission, the management Board and to appoint Directors.
Register your credit co-op. State registration just created a credit cooperativeand requires a constituent meeting of its members, which is determined by the name of, approved by the Charter, the main provisions are formed elected bodies (audit Commission, Board, loan Committee).