The importance of feeding the bulls is a complete diet which should be provided with vitamins, large quantity and good quality protein, minerals. Include in the diet of the animal feed rich in protein, it will increase its sexual activity and the ability of sperm to fertilize. Along with the amount of protein is necessary to consider the content of carbohydrates – sugars. 100 grams of digestible protein should be 150 grams of sugar in the winter and 80-110 grams in the summer.
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Yearling heifers need to provide abundant feeding, at this age, their weight should be around 380 pounds, no less. Bulls older, gradually translate to moderate feeding. This growing and feeding provide optimal conditions for their development and growth, will accelerate maturation and prevent obesity.
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The main diet for the young bull should be legume-grass hay with good flavor and bright green color. For growing calves feed should not be too complex, it must contain one grain ingredient is oats or corn, plus it adds a component containing a large amount of protein, dry skim milk or meal.
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Feeding bulls should be satisfied their need for minerals: copper, manganese, cobalt, iodine and zinc. Trace elements content in different forages is dependent on soil zones and fertilizers. Pay special attention to providing the bulls with vitamins D, A, E. To meet the needs of the animals in vitamin A, give them a feed with content of carotene. In the summer it is green and fresh grass, and in winter good quality hay.
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In winter recommended the following structure of the diet: good quality hay – 40-45%; granules or herbal flour – 8-10%; concentrated feed is 40-45%; special additives 4-5%. In the summer: hay – 23-25%; pellets or grass meal – 7-8%; green fodder 34-35%; concentrated feed – 33-35%; special additives and animal feed – 1%.
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