Consider space for formal and informal parts of the prom. Official part when the presentation of diplomas and medals, letters and tapes "the graduate", flowers and greetings to teachers and parents. This part is best done indoors, where usually there are formal events, somewhere where there are rows of chairs in order to seat many people. And, of course, there needs to be a scene.
Choose a place for the informal part of the prom, in consultation with the alumni themselves. You may find a suitable one, and it is completely different. Remember that this part is for the graduates of far more significance than the first, because the celebration occurs in the setting of my TV - just celebrating themselves, and sometimes their parents. So, the suitable place could be a café, a restaurant or any other place where you can sit in a big company, just do not forget that this is minor.
Consider the program of congratulations for the official part. Everyone should feel this night is important, because teachers and the school administration, and, of course, the parents put a lot of effort to this day has finally arrived and the students finally left their desks, taking with him a wealth of knowledge. Therefore, let all receives flowers and humorous certificates, and the host reads a congratulatory speech.
Come up with a programme for informal part – it must be radically different from the program of official. During this part of the graduates have to be entertained with jokes, stories from school life, preferably their own, hold funny competitions. Be sure to select leading or your favorite teacher of the class or Parallels, or just very funny person.
Don't forget about dancing! Prom definitely need to dance, so inviting a DJ, or even just to connect the computer to the speakers – a sacred duty of everyone who is pursuing graduation. Again, don't forget to consult with alumni on the topic of music – for example, conduct a poll and put at least one favorite dance songs of each, and the rest of the time take hits radio stations.