You will need
  • - celandine;
  • - med;
  • - butter;
  • - creolin.
To cope with the polyps helps celandine. Buy dry raw materials in the pharmacy or Narva the grass in the garden. If you decide to treat torn celandine, first dry it and crush it, otherwise guess the precise dose is simply impossible. Brew 2 tbsp of raw materials 1500 ml of water. Steep for 20-30 minutes, then strain. Do an enema daily until improvement occurs. After about a week of treatment, take a survey, it is possible that the polyps had disappeared. This method of getting rid of the tumors very quickly helps, the need for surgery is eliminated.
Take decoction of celandine and inside. But be careful, the grass is poisonous and in case of overdose can cause serious consequences. Steep 1/4 tsp in a glass of water. Take 50 ml 4 times a day before meals. Treatment spend up to a full recovery, but if after a month of therapy no improvement will be observed, then a further appointment will not bring results.
Take 1 kg of honey and 1 kg of butter, the product mix in an enamel saucepan and heat over low heat for 2 hours. Take in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tbsp If you have very large and multiple polyps, take the medicine three times a day, but it is important to do it before eating.
Buy pharmacy creolin. Add in a liter of water one drop of creoline and do an enema. Increase daily dose by 1 drop until you reach 15. Then start the report in reverse order, gradually reducing the dose of the drug. After a course of treatment, and it is 30 days, go to the hospital and pass all the tests, and also go through an ultrasound procedure. Most likely, polyps in your intestine will not find any one installation.
If the polyps and were not, consult your doctor, and if you have time to wait, repeat the entire courses of treatment with traditional methods again. It is possible that they still leave your intestines.