You will need
    • The sugar and water in a ratio of 1:1
    • A thick-walled pot with a wide bottom
Place sugar in a saucepan. Cover with water, stir.
Turn the burner on 2/3 power. If you cook on a gas stove, remember that under the pan with the syrupof om should always be steady on a heavy fire without wavering flame.
Put the saucepan with the syrupohms on the burner so that on the one hand it is heated more than the other: due to this syrupand it will be easier to remove the foam.
Heat mixture, stir constantly until the contents of the pan. Otherwise, the sugar will begin to stick to the bottom to crystallize, the syrup will turn yellow.
Remove the formed foam with a spoon or skimmer and immediately wipe the edges of the pan with a cloth soaked in ice water, removing the adhering to sugar crystals. The more you carry out this operation, the better will be the result. If the grains remain , the sugar begins to adhere to the edge, to melt, to burn, in syrupe may appear lumps.
Once the sugar has dissolved (dissolve — as they say confectioners), completely stop stirring, place the pot on the burner so that it is heated evenly. Boil syrup to the state, which is necessary for the recipe.
Define the state of the syrup (sample). To do this, moisten in cold water a teaspoon, scoop out the syrup and put a Cup of cold water. Squeeze the resulting ball with your fingers. Depending on how to behave in the syrup after cooling, determine its state (the sample for the thin, medium, thick, thread, sweet, soft or hard ball).
Remove the pan from the heat, cool the syrup.