Iodinol is an aqueous solution consisting of iodine (0.1 percent), potassium iodide (0.9%) and polyvinyl alcohol. It has a characteristic smell of iodine, foams well and mixed with water. The color of the liquid is dark blue. Able to decompose in the light, as well as in alkaline medium. When applied to the mucous membranes of the slowly cleaves Iodinol molecular iodine is a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substance, and after the disintegration improves metabolism.
For sore throat take a glass of warm water and the droplets add it efficient. When the solution becomes dark yellow, you can start gargling. This is the most accurate method of dosage.
Some doctors suggest a more simple but nevertheless reliable way: dissolve a spoonful of Iodinol in a glass of warm water and start rinsing. Rinsing the throat yodinolom is possible three times a day, and with strong pain, and more - every four hours.
Efficient, is also used to lubricate the throat. In particular, this method is good for treatment of chronic tonsillitis and septic sore throat. To do this, take a rather long stick (can use regular pencil), wrap it in cotton wool to make a cotton turunda. Dip it in efficient, and properly lubricate the tonsils. This procedure is performed when purulent tonsillitis 2-3 times a day, and in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis is enough and one times a day.
Assigned efficient when using any of the above methods, for 3-5 days. It should be noted its high efficiency. Often patients say that the pain in the throat passes in 2-3 days. It is also important that the only contraindications to it are gipertireoze is a rare disease associated with an excess of iodine, as well as intolerance to ethanol.