Before heading to the Center of social protection of the population, calculate your total family income per month. You need not put only the amount of wages of working family members but also the pension payments of alimony, scholarships, etc. If utilities exceed twenty-two percent of the amount received, then you are eligible for subsidized payments.
But first, you should collect a package of necessary documents. Take a certificate of family composition. It is, as a rule, be given in the housing Department. It should list all who live with you. Be aware that to refuse the issuance of such certificates due debts are not eligible.
Working family members should take the income statement for the last six months in the accounting business. If you don't work, you will have to go to the employment Center.
You also need to take a reference from the school children. They are issued by the Secretary of the school or the Dean.
If you receive child support, it is necessary to submit receipts with the specified amount or to take the place of the former spouse.
Must provide the Centre of social protection is also evidence about absence of debts on payment of municipal services. Keep in mind that until you redeem them, you will not pay subsidies.
Prepare copies of passports and birth certificates.
In addition, you need to provide copy of first page of passbook or Bank details where you will be transferred to the grant.
And only after you collect all the necessary documents, you need to go to the Centre for social protection and write a statement requesting the calculation of subsidies for payment for utility services.
Know that in six months you will have to re-confirm their right to this subsidy.
In addition to subsidies for apartment you can get a free ticket to summer camp for your child through the Center "Family". And to receive a lump sum payment for the purchase of stationery by the beginning of the school year.
To preferential categories of citizens eligible for subsidies include not only low-income families, and persons with disabilities, single mothers, large families. In some regions additional subsidies at the expense of the city budget.