To call the worker must give his consent. Forced call illegal. The head of the enterprise must issue a management letter, which shall state the reasons for the opinion. This document is not required, but to avoid problems with the tax authorities, it is better to make. The text of this document like this: "due To (specify reason) we ask you to interrupt your annual vacation (period). In the case of your consent to this review, the unused portion of vacation will be provided to you in a convenient period."
After that, the employee may wish to write a statement of consent. Text him something like this: "With the withdrawal from annual paid leave in terms of the unused part of the holiday I agree."
On the basis of the above documents the head of the organization is an order that must include information about the revocation reason, and also to confirm the ability of the employee to use remaining vacation days at any time. The order is signed by the head and recalled from vacation by the employee.
Be sure and make revocation information in a personal card of the employee, where in section 8 must specify the period of leave, the type and the number of calendar days.
Then the accountant needs to make changes in the vacation schedule (form T-7) and on the basis of the order to recalculate. The sum paid earlier for the leave must be returned by the employee to the cashier of the enterprise. The classification of these amounts in favor of the wage illegal as the labour code is not provided. Since the publication of the employee should be charged wages.