You will need
  • calculator
Divide the markup as a percentage on the sum of the number of STA with a value that is equal to delimma. Next, multiply the total turnover of the resulting number is divided by one hundred. This approach is appropriate if the same percentage applied to the entire range. Calculations better repeat several times to exclude possible errors.
Add together the works of different trade and estimated trade margins by commodity groups. Then the result divide by one hundred. This formula is successfully applicable, if the different product groups is assigned a different percentage increase.
Multiply the average percentage of the gross income of the trade, and then divide by one hundred. This is the simplest mark-up that applies in the case of taking into account the goods at sale prices. This method also implies the calculation of the average percentage of the gross income. Fold the allowance trading balance of goods at the beginning of the reporting period and the margin on received during this time products. From the result, subtract the eliminated or degraded products. Next, divide this number by the sum of the turnover and the balance at the end of the reporting period multiplied by one hundred. Substitute the result into the first equation and calculate for the sample. The gross profit percentage ready.
Fold the allowance trading balance of goods at the beginning of the reporting period, trade allowance received during the reporting period. Then subtract from the resulting number allowance retired products. From the result of the previous two actions you now need to subtract the margin on the balance at the end of the working period. This method is used to calculate the gross income by range residue. But implementation must keep strict account of surcharge for each item. Such records should be carried out with a frequency of at least once a month.