You will need
  • - the root of ginseng;
  • - vodka.
Grind to a powder pre-washed and dried ginseng. Pour 30 grams of powder in a liter of vodka and infuse for a month. Periodically shake the tincture, and do not forget to filter it when it's ready.
Take 20 drops of tincture two times a day with reduced efficiency, high physical activity, chronic fatigue, nervousness and insomnia. The action of ginseng is more pronounced if the reception of tinctures will be a half hour before eating.
Drink 30 drops of tincture three times per day for violation of metabolism in the recovery period after undergoing surgery or a serious illness, to lower the level of sugar in the blood and sexual disorders. Multiplicity and method of reception are the same: twice a day before meals.
Increase the dosage of the tincture, if you have hematological problems. Drink 40 drops medication 2-3 times a day with heavy menstruation, poor blood clotting, diseases of vessels and hearts, and complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.
Take half the dose of the tincture in the first week of treatment. This is necessary in order to keep track of undesirable the body's response to ginseng. If during this period you will not be disturbed headaches, rapid heartbeat, racing blood pressure, Allergy, or insomnia, then your body accepts the medication. In this case, you can increase the dosage to the recommended. If you experience the above symptoms, discontinue use of tincture to obtain a doctor's recommendations.
Take breaks between courses of treatment. Usually monthly intake of ginseng alternated with ten-day rest.