So if you want to train for weight gain, focus on maximum force. However, increase the load gradually, and pick the weights so that you can perform no more than 12 repetitions of an exercise and at least eight. Each class at the initial stage should include 2-3 exercises (each do 4 or 5 sets). By the way, the first approach must be the warm-up and easy. In General, the warm up should take 15 minutes. Otherwise, you risk damaging the knee joints, to restore it very difficult.
All strength exercises are divided into two types: isolated and basic. The first will promote fat burning, improve endurance, and the portrayal of the bump. But the second help to build strong and massive muscles. Just the same they you will need. To the base include squats on the chest, on one leg, with barbell behind the head and press in the simulator.
Squats with the bar behind your head you should start with proper fixation of the neck: shoulders should be kept back straighten, and Grif put on a bit strained trapezius muscle (about shoulder level). In order to reduce possible stress on the knees, slightly spread your toes out, the heels also stand on any small elevation the size of 1.5-2.5, see Crouch start gradually, back forward not prohibite, and rise with exhalation.
Not everyone can be a squat on one leg. To perform this exercise, stand with one foot on the platform (a step, for example) and stick to something hand. To enhance the effect of squats you can perform with a dumbbell in his free hand.
No less important when increasing muscle mass will have a proper diet. The fact that the growth of muscles will need a source. Therefore, the diet should consist not only of carbohydrates but also of proteins. In addition, meals should be frequent, that is in addition to the usual Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the schedule will be present many snacks.