In order to enter a medical school, you need to finish secondary school and get a diploma. Then determine the name of the University and its location. If your city has no such institution, ask in a different city about any, as well as dormitories and rented apartments.
Try to find out about the time of the "day of open doors" of the selected institution. Chat with teaching staff and discuss the issues regarding the exams, ask for help with the preparation of the documents. You may be given a list of required information.
Hire a tutor of Russian language, chemistry and biology. Participate in contests on these items, win prizes. Try to pass the exam for a maximum score, it will help you easier to do.
Prepare the necessary list of documents. Make copies of your passport, passport-size photographs 3 to 4, a certificate on the health status at the time of admission, and the results of the exam. Can send them by mail or taken personally to the admissions office. Send documents with your application statement addressed to the rector of the medical Institute to several institutions. So more chances to enter.
A statement addressed to the rector write in the prescribed form, which can be taken in the admissions office. Indicate in him a desire to enroll in the budget Department, as in the case of failure, you can always rewrite the document.
Next you need to pass the exams to get a passing grade. Then you will be able to conclude that the results are received.
Students in medical schools are allowed to enroll in medical school at the third course provided positively passed exams and good characteristics of the previous place of study. In addition, the legislation provides a number of benefits for the disabled of the 1st group, of persons having one parent-the invalid of 1 group, orphans and others.
To enroll in medical school is not only on the basis of the first higher education, but also to master course, residency and internship. The student, before he becomes to practice medicine, you need to finish one of these areas of study.
In order to obtain direction on training, you need to contact the Dean's office of the University or Institute and ask for a list of required documents for the exam. As a rule, the whole period of the training takes about two years, after which is issued a diploma of the state sample.
It is important that the Institute has the state accreditation and the license to train, this information should be checked for the stage of receipt.
The entire period of study in total takes about 9 years includes apprenticeship training, admission to residency and internship, together with work in the hospital under the guidance of a doctor. Only after this period of you get a qualified doctor who has the right to engage in medical practice in the chosen direction.