For the purposes of General strengthening of the body black seed in the form of powdered seeds should be drunk after a meal, no more than 1 teaspoon. Contraindication use is pregnancy.
For cough and asthma it is necessary to RUB the chest with black seed oilmixed with olive in the proportion of 1 to 5. Additionally it is necessary to inhale hot vapours of this oil and keep ¼ teaspoon under the tongue.
For diarrhea, mix 1 tablespoon of black seed oil with a Cup yogurt. Drink for 3 days 2 times a day.
For headaches, take 1 tablespoon of ground black cumin, the same quantity of anise seeds and cloves (also chopped). Put in mouth and hold until until the mixture becomes easy to swallow. Swallow, but without water and without drinking.
For rheumatism and muscle pains, mix a little black seed with olive oil, warm and massage into the sore spot. At the same time drink before bed drink consisting of boiled black seed and honey.
With the dizziness, drink tea with the addition of black seed oil. You can also RUB this oil on the back of the neck and the area under the cheeks.
When the ear diseases bury in the ears, black cumin oil, well it fights infection.
High blood pressure mix crushed black cumin with any hot drink (tea, for example) and drink. Also RUB the body oil of this kind of cumin.
When tonsillitis boil 10 grams of black cumin seeds in 1.5 liters of water, strain and rinse the resulting solution throat 2-3 times a day.
When kidney stones and gall bladder grind cumin seeds. Mix them with honey and eat.
In diabetes mix 1 Cup black cumin seed, the same, Kress water, 1.5 cups of pomegranate peel, grind all into powder. Take for 1 month 1.5 tbsp powder and 1 teaspoon of black seed oil. This should be done in the morning, before eating.
With painful childbirth mix black cumin with honey, heat and drink.