You will need
  • - black pepper;
  • - olive oil;
  • - fat-free yogurt;
  • - ground cinnamon.
Black pepper contains many beneficial nutrients, including trace elements, vitamins, essential oil. The antioxidants present in the product that can cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, thereby stimulating the metabolism. Because of this, lose weight with black pepper is really possible. Please note, in a small peas there piperine, whereby the production of stomach acid increases, and the process of digestion is much faster.
Drink a day not less than 2 g black pepper. In this case, you will be able to preserve its present weight even when systematic overeating. Piperine contained in this amount of seasoning, inhibits the formation of new fat cells. If you wish to reduce your weight, increase the use of burning spices.
If you want to lose weight with black pepper, add it to salads, as well as first and second courses. Spicy foods causes thirst. A person drinks more water than usual. The increase in the volume of fluids leads to normalization of water-salt metabolism. Together with the excess water from the body toxins, normalizes activity of the gastrointestinal tract. However, excessive hot spices can cause harm.
The dangers of black pepper is its ability to irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Therefore it is strictly forbidden to abuse this herb to people suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis, gastritis. Since black pepper provokes the production of more hydrochloric acid, it is not recommended to add it to dishes a person with high acidity. Even at and excellent health is not a day to eat more than 5 g black pepper.
Not necessarily to use black pepper for weight loss as a condiment. Try to massage problematic areas of the body using special oil. In a litre of olive oil add 2 tablespoons of the spices and leave to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then strain the medium through cheesecloth. Carry out the massage procedure is recommended before bedtime. Mention, oil, Basil infused extra pepper, has a strong warming effect.